Share your experience using the Guide online with #GuidetoGreatness
Guide to Greatness was designed to activate the potential of individuals in the community and their arts and culture assets – things like physical spaces, stories, recipes connected to heritage, choir performances and dancing (to name a few) – that can become the catalyst for creating a more healthy, just and hopeful society by supporting opportunities for increasing civic engagement and building community capacity.
The Guide includes new activities created by IDEAS xLab and our partners, along with existing activities created by others that we have utilized as part of our process.
It was compiled by artists (photographer, poet, activist, mixed media, performance and social sculpture) from IDEAS xLab, along with our partners from the Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville Health Advisory Board, University of Louisville School of Public Health & Information Sciences’ Center for Creative Placehealing, and students from the University of Louisville Master of Urban Planning Program 2018 Capstone Studio.
The Guide to Greatness was designed so that the activities can be completed individually, or used additively in small groups depending on what you and your team or community wants to accomplish!
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ― Muhammad Ali
These Principles gave Muhammad Ali the wherewithal to be the best athlete he could be, the strength and courage to stand up for what he believed, the inspiration to reach people around the world, and the perseverance to help others.
Muhammad’s dream to share his inspiration with the world is being realized through the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Kentucky. The Ali Center appeals to the heart, spirit, and imagination. It inspires both children and adults to form new commitments in their lives in areas of personal growth, integrity, and respect for others, and it gives them the tools to make these commitments happen. Muhammad Ali passed away on June 3, 2016 at the age of 74.
Thanks to graphic designer Tyreek Miles of Humana for supporting the creation of Guide to Greatness through skills-based volunteerism!
Additional Free and Available Toolkits & Resources
Visualizing Data for Human Rights Advocacy: A Guidebook and Workshop Activity
Produced by The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice & Tandon School of Engineering in New York University
A set of guidelines and a workshop activity to introduce human rights practitioners to some of the ideas and principles around designing effective data visualization for human rights advocacy.
Creative Exchange’s Toolkits for Change
Produced by Springboard for the Arts
Community Supported Art Toolkit offers template budgets, communications and timelines for your own Community Supported Art.
Pop Up Museum Toolkit provides guidelines for creating a temporary exhibit by the people who show up to participate, known as a pop up museum. It focuses on bringing people together in conversation through stories, art, and objects.
Neighborhood Postcard Project Toolkit contains tips, resources, and downloadable high resolution postcard template files to make it quick, easy, and fun to start this unique storytelling exchange in your community.
World Dance Party Toolkit is designed to help you put together a World Dance Party in your city/neighborhood. There are sample budgets, press release, program schedule, sign-in sheet, donation solicitation letter, and ways to outreach.
Toolkit Toolkit is resource to help you create your own toolkit from your project. It walks through practical tips for gathering information and writing a toolkit, developing your audience, and strategizing distribution.
Design Thinking Resources
Developed by IDEO U
A list of IDEO U courses and external resources that allow people who aren’t trained as designers to use creative tools to address a vast range of challenges. The IDEO U courses focus on different aspects of the design thinking process, and features video lessons taught by IDEO practitioners, activities to apply what you learn, a toolkit of methods, and additional resources.
The 25 Most Amazing Community Arts Projects
Developed by Social Work Degree Guide
A list of community arts projects that were chosen for their ingenuity, their resourcefulness, and their ability to fully engage and inspire their communities.
Art Therapy: 15 Activities and Exercises for Children and Adults
By Taylor Leasure of Positive Psychology Program Platform
Activities and exercises that allow for a pressure-free, consequence-free medium for children’s thoughts and feeling. These activities also allow adults to better understand themselves through creative expression.
Visioning a Greenspace with Smoketown Youth
University of Louisville Master of Urban Planning Program 2018 Capstone Studio
Class Members: Molly Clark, Jaime Crawford, Hannah Crepps, Kendra Haruff, Wyatt Kunzman, Grant List, Eric Matravers
Story Map: