Justice League at Meyzeek Middle School
Justice League participants in front of the “Smoketown is worthy of everything” mural. Photo by Josh Miller.
Justice League evolved out of a collaboration between teacher Chris Rasheed and IDEAS xLab in 2017, launched at Meyzeek Middle School to bring together 6-8th grade students with diverse backgrounds to focus on social justice issues. From 2017 to present, Rasheed, and teachers Tia Edison and Carrie Cross have worked with IDEAS xLab artists including Hannah Drake, Chris Radtke, and Josh Miller to engage students through the Justice League.
In 2019 - 2020, Justice League is participating in IDEAS xLab’s Our Emotional Wellbeing initiative, along with young people from Louisville Youth Group and Bates Memorial Kingdom Academy.
The group meets every Wednesday at Meyzeek from 2:30-4pm.
#NationalSchoolWalkout Meyzeek Middle School photo: Chris Radtke
At Meyzeek, the #NationalSchoolWalkout was led by the Justice League, who worked for weeks to determine their response and reasons for wanting to participate in the National School Walkout stating:
1. We want to stand in support and solidarity with students at Stoneman Douglas and Marshall County High School.
2. We are standing up for peace and justice.
3. We understand that as students we can be affected by gun violence.
4. We would like Kentucky leadership — Mayor Fischer, Governor Bevin, JCPS Staff and Administration to understand our concerns and make sure that all Kentucky schools are a safe environment for students to thrive.